Your choices for a beautiful countertop do not end at granite or marble: quartz countertops are an option for your home that everyone should always consider. Quartz is a material that in recent years has begun to rival in popularity with granite because it offers a unique style but similar durability to granite. When considering a countertop, think about these benefits of quartz countertops.
Quartz Countertops are Nonporous
Quartz Countertops Last
Quartz Countertops are Easy to Maintain
Quartz Countertops Unique
As an engineered material, quartz offers an attractive and unique look. The manufacturing process of quartz allows for a vast array of colors that would not be available with natural stones. Pigments can be added to engineered quartz to better match any style of home, making quartz countertops a versatile look for your home.
When it comes to quartz installation and maintenance, Choice Granite & Marble has the qualifications and skills to provide for all of your quartz needs. If you have any followup questions about your quartz countertops, granite, marble, or any other natural stones, contact us today!